Thursday 23 June 2011


Day 2: Rockport - Diablo

Distance: 35.4 miles (to the base of the Rockies)

Our first morning of camping brought the harsh realities of the trip to life. Sleeping in a tent was not only sweaty and uncomfortable but we also had to deal with waking up hungry, needing the toilet in the middle of the night and hayfever so bad I looked like a zombie out of 28 days later. However, we soon shrugged this off, packed up camp for the first time, and continued towards the ever-towering Rockies.

The scenery was amazing. Thick evergreen forests lined both sides of the road and the snow capped Rockies were a constant reminder of the hard days of ascent we had ahead. We came across some lung-bursting climbs but we anticipate these are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

We decided against pushing on over Washington Pass that night and having passed all of the campsites before the climb decided to try and find a place to camp on the side of the road. We ended up pushing through some trees next to a scenic viewpoint to find a small clearing completely secluded from the road and with one side facing out across the mountains. It really was spectacular.


  1. Looking good lads! In your next post can you put your current position on googlemaps or something? Be good to track your progress.

    Hope you didn't roll out the tent and down to the lake in your sleep!

  2. Hi lads best of luck on you trip,
    lots of energy food you'll need strong legs for those hills.
    Can you post your position for google earth

  3. Cheers lads. We didn't get involved in any rolling mishaps fortunately! Google map has been uploaded for your viewing pleasure. Will try to keep it updated when we have internet.
